Faith Based Solutions
As a lay leader in my church for many years, I have been blessed to work with many outstanding leaders on everything from staffing opportunities to multi-million dollar campaigns and leadership development. I find great purpose and joy in using my years of experience as a leader and business owner to assist church and ministry leaders to accomplish greater things in their areas of ministry. To be clear, I am not a church consultant, spiritual advisor, or counselor, but rather an encouraging voice, a sounding board, a coach that is like-minded and desires for nothing more than to see God use my experience, background, insights, and heart’s desire to further the gospel message. A church coach brings a needed outside perspective, helps you manage work-life balance, helps you set goals and holds you accountable to your goals, and provides encouragement and support when you need it most.
“Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.” Proverbs 15:22

Ministry Leadership & Coaching
Being a leader is a challenging role to take on. In many cases, ministry leaders have never taken a class or attended a one-week seminar to learn the skills needed for effective leadership. The demands placed on leaders in today’s world, at churches and other ministries, far exceed those placed on leaders 20 years ago. However, many do not realize that they can and should invest time and money in their own personal growth as an executive leader.
Part of the solution is working with an experienced, skilled executive leadership coach. An executive leadership coach brings years or decades of hands-on experience to the coaching relationship, allowing them both to understand you and offer careful counsel based on their own experiences.
Executive coaching is designed to help church leaders (and those who want to become leaders) deal with the demands of leading and growing a successful ministry by working on leadership skills and attitudes.